• Appointments are available with all Doctors and Allied Health.
  • Each patient and family member requiring a consultation should have their own appointment time slot.
  • If unable to attend an appointment please advise Reception, this will allow us to provide that appointment to another patient in need.
  • Appointments are given priority.
  • Walk in’s can be accommodated, however waiting times will vary each day.
  • Online appointments are available, (Non-attendance for online bookings for 2 visits, may have you suspended for online bookings).
  • Appointments should be made for Care Plans, Childhood Immunisations, Pap smears.
  • If you require a long consultation please call reception to organise.
  • In an emergency please call 000 and ask for an ambulance.

The Doctors and allied health professionals want to be available for your needs and the needs of other patients. When a patient does not show for a scheduled appointment, other patients lose the opportunity to be seen. We respectfully ask that scheduled appointments be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance.

Tests results are not given over the telephone, for medico-legal reasons.

Medical Certificates are legal documents and cannot be issued without actually seeing the Doctor and they cannot be issued retrospectively.

To ensure best management, we like to discuss your condition with you before referring you to a specialist. We are not permitted by law to backdate specialist referrals, so ensure you have a current referral before you see the specialist.

Recalls and reminders are organised by the practice to maintain continuity of your health care. Recalls are notifiable by SMS, phone call or letter.

If you or a family member requires an interpreter we can organise this for you. These need to be booked in advance therefore please advise reception at the time of booking appointment.

House calls are available to existing regular patients as per our Doctors discretion for chronic or palliative medical management. All effort should be made to bring the patient to the Centre because emergency and full medical equipment required for treatment cannot be available at house calls.

This is provided by a deputizing service. In cases of emergency, please ring 000 for an ambulance or proceed to your nearest hospital.

All medical records are strictly confidential and the contents cannot be disclosed to anyone without your consent or where justified by law. Our Centre complies with the Privacy Act 1988 including the ways we collect, store, use and disclose health information.

If you have any suggestions to improve the Practice, you are invited to speak to the Doctor directly or the Director of The Centre. We believe problems are best dealt with in the Practice.

Contact us for more information or book an appointment